Visnyk of the Lviv University Philosophical Political studies - is a collection of scientific works, which highlights the current problems of methodology of political and philosophical sciences. 

Founded: 2011

Founder: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1877 as of 30.05.2024.

Frequency of output: 6 times a year

Professional registration: included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (category "B") in philosophical and political sciences (specialties: 033 "Philosophy", 052 "Political Science") in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 14.05.2020 № 627 (Annex 2).

ISSN: Print 2307-1664, Online 2663-5615.

Placement on the site of NBU them. VI Vernadsky: Visnyk of the Lviv University Philosophical Political studies 

The journal is included in Index Copernicus International (Poland).

The editorial office assigns to each published material an international digital ID of DOI.


The collection covers current issues of philosophical and political theory and history, current problems of methodology of political and philosophical sciences; the state of development of political science and modern theoretical and methodological directions of research of political processes and institutes in Ukraine are analyzed.

The collection also examines the forms and features of the development of modern philosophical trends in the study of nature and society, actual problems of socio-humanitarian dimensions of human being.

The collection also informs about the events of scientific life in Ukraine; submits reviews of scientific works and textbooks on philosophical and political sciences.


The editorial board of the publication carries out an external and internal review of all articles that come to it. The editorial board includes leading Ukrainian and foreign specialists. The publication cooperates with the largest universities of Ukraine and abroad, state authorities and local self-government. Such cooperation involves the placement of information materials, the publication of scientific articles, the holding of round tables on the basis of publication.

We invite everyone to cooperate with our publication and invite you to publish your articles. This publication is intended not only for scientists but also for practitioners who draw from it much useful for their activities.


Yours sincerely, Editorial Board.